What can I find on Preschool Teacher 101?
Teaching preschool is a challenging but incredibly rewarding job. Here at Preschool Teacher 101 we are dedicated to providing you with resources and ideas that will help you focus on the important things in the classroom while also saving you time. By providing valuable resources and ongoing support, we’ll help simplify the preschool planning process and bring you materials and tips that you can use right away in the classroom.
Who’s behind Preschool Teacher 101?
Meet Mary Catherine

Meet Shaunna
Hi, I’m Shaunna! After seven years teaching kindergarten and first grade in a public school, I decided to take on the challenge of teaching my own children and two of our closest little buddies at home full time. It was truthfully one of the most special and rewarding times of my life, but a part of my heart will always belong in the classroom.
While I’ve been blogging on my other site, Fantastic Fun and Learning, for years about easy and fun learning activities to do with kids, we never really get into the “how-to” over there…you know the really in-depth stuff needed for teaching young kids. And that’s exactly what we’ll be diving into here on Preschool Teacher 101. I’m excited to share tips and resources that will help you save time and provide an amazing experience for your students.
How Can You Get in Touch with Us?
If you have a question or need help with anything, you can reach us via email at admin@preschoolteacher101.com
We’re also Facebook at Preschool Teacher 101 if you want to join in the conversation over there.