Editable Planning Templates for Distance Learning
This year we know teachers face a wide array of scenarios for back to school, and many are being asked to have plans in place for remote learning. Whether it’s already been confirmed that your school will be doing distance learning for the beginning of the year or you’ve been asked to have back up plans in place in the event of school closures, we want to make it as easy as possible for you.
We already know that teachers were able to successfully use the ideas in our existing preschool lesson plans during distance learning in the spring, but we wanted to make it even easier for you and your families by sharing these free editable planning templates for distance learning.
With the digital templates you can easily select activities from the lesson plan packs as well as your own ideas and add them into the digital templates as you prepare your distance learning lesson plans.
The digital templates have been created in Google Slides, and there are options for both virtual class meetings and teacher-led activities as well as at home, parent-friendly lesson plans for those who are doing a low-tech remote learning option.

Overview and Tips for Using the Planning Templates
This video excerpt from our training for members of The Pack outlines the rationale for and tips for using each of the template options included in this free printable set.
Planning Templates included in the Free Download

We’ve included a wide variety of templates for teachers to choose from based on the needs of your program and current situation.

The Digital Class Meeting Agenda is designed to help you plan for class meetings via Zoom, Google Meet, Big Blue Button or your preferred video conferencing platform.
Set the stage by displaying the meeting agenda so students and parents know what to expect. Include links to additional slides and/or external websites so that you can easily navigate through your digital presentation.

The Sample Weekly Plan is designed for teachers to use as a planning tool for an at-a-glance view of the main tasks each day throughout the the week.

The Theme Overview slide is designed to be somewhat like a weekly newsletter to introduce parents to the main focus of the week ahead.

The Daily Planning sheets can be used to share specific daily tasks you want children to complete. Each slide includes space for three activities as well as an ongoing weekly project for multi-day tasks.

As an alternative to the Daily Planning Sheets mentioned above you might consider providing one checklist for the week that includes a set of activities to do daily.

If you prefer to have a more open-ended set of options for families you might use the Weekly Choice Options slide and have parents select a certain number of options to complete. This version is designed for offline tasks.

We’ve also included a slide for Technology Choice Options that can be used to direct families to online learning options. This could be one ongoing resources or a template that you change periodically as you focus on different skills.

Request Your Copy of the Editable Digital Planning Templates
Complete the form below to request your copy of the free download, and it will be emailed to you momentarily.