Time-saving lesson plans and helpful resources for preschool teachers

Teaching preschool is an amazingly rewarding career. Working with young children as they grow, learn, and develop is definitely a remarkable journey. It’s not without its pitfalls, though. Being a preschool teacher can be exhausting and time consuming. Many early childhood educators also feel isolated.
But the right support can make all the difference!
The Preschool Teacher 101 membership community is designed specifically for those in the early childhood education field who are looking for help with lesson plans, organization, scheduling, instructional strategies, and more.
We’re here to save you valuable time and provide you with high-quality and engaging teaching materials to help you teach in a fun and hands-on way…and still have time for yourself!
Benefits of Preschool Teacher 101 Membership
Stress-free planning
Choose from over 100 engaging preschool lesson plans.
Each set is full of playful activity ideas and supporting printables so you can easily differentiate for all of your students’ needs.
Math, literacy, sensory play, fine motor skills and more for kids ages 3 to 5!
- Save time planning for your preschool classroom so you can balance work with the other priorities in your life
- Access well-organized, kid-approved printable lesson plans full of hands-on learning ideas so you don’t have to scour the internet collecting new ideas week after week
- Get more out of your day with planning and organizational resources that save you time and help you focus on what matters most
- Feel less alone and connect you with other early childhood educators who understand both the joys and challenging of being a preschool teacher
Plus a growing library of supporting materials!
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What Does Membership Include?
The Preschool Teacher 101 membership area includes everything in our Preschool Teacher 101 shop and more.
Plus we add new content every month!
Teachers love that our lesson plans combine everything into one comprehensive, well-planned series of activities. There is no need to pull from different math, literacy, and science packs and piece things together. We’ve already mapped out a full plan for each theme and provided all the related directions and printables so all you have to do is print and prep.
And of course, we’ve included activities that align with the most essential pre-k skills. While our resources are not explicitly aligned to one specific early childhood skill list, as educators with experience in preschool, pre-k, kindergarten and first grade we have reviewed a wide array of state and program early childhood skill requirements, and we are confident that these themes cover the skills preschoolers need to excel in kindergarten.

Each season includes a full array of lesson plan options. To get the most current break down of lesson plans available as well as the list of additional resources, click the button below.
Winter Lesson Plans
There are more than 15 winter lesson plans to choose from.
Summer Lesson Plans
There are more than 10 summer lesson plans to choose from.

Here are some highlights of our most popular resources in the member area:
- Editable, printable lesson plan templates designed for teachers with 5-, 4-, 3-, and 2-day teaching weeks. No matter which weekly schedule you follow, you’ll find a template for you.
Over 100 Sets of Lesson Plans
- Fully developed lesson plans that include detailed lesson plans, engaging printables, and tons of hands-on activity ideas for playful learning. There are currently over 100 lesson plan packs inside the member area on both seasonal and nonseasonal topics. New lesson plans are added regularly, and we regularly update and improve existing lesson plans as well.
We’ve also made the plans editable so you can modify based on your own personal preferences and student needs.
Watch this short video for a preview of the lesson plan format and some of the activities included in the Car Theme Lesson Plans.
Choose from a wide variety of traditional and nontraditional lesson plan themes!
Spring Lesson Plans
There are more than 25 spring lesson plans to choose from.
There is also a collection of book-based, nursery rhyme and nonseasonal lesson plan options.
Book-Based Lesson Plans
There are more than 20 book-based and nursery rhyme-inspired lesson plans to choose from.
Fall Lesson Plans
There are more than 25 fall lesson plans to choose from.
Nonseasonal Lesson Plan Preview
There are more than 30 nonseasonal lesson plans to choose from.
Other Teaching Tools and Resources
In addition to our vast collection of lesson plans all members also have access to all of our other teaching tools and resources, including:
- Writing journal prompts sets for every month of the year! Each set includes over 25 writing prompt options in three formats so you can choose the best version for your students’ needs.
- STEM building challenges encourage creative thinking and problem solving skills while introducing children to popular world structures and architectural designs.
- Our Alphabet Sensory Set is full of process art ideas and collage inspiration for every letter of the alphabet. We’ve also included letter mats to use as you create your own art or as work mats during learning centers.
- Our Preschool Assessment Pack provides you will all the assessments, recording sheets, and progress reports you need to gather data and share information with parents.
- The Centers Guide walks through the process of selecting and setting up classroom centers step by step and helps you choose the management system that works best for your classroom.
- And there’s much more inside the member area!
- Song packs with printable song cards and emergent readers to help you incorporate music and movement into circle time activities
- Dramatic play packs to encourage pretend play and oral language development
- Skill-based digital game packs for remote learning or technology activities using Google Classroom or Seesaw
- A year’s worth of editable, printable preschool “homework” calendars. These aren’t anything like traditional homework, don’t worry. Each weekday has a simple activity for the children to do (like “draw a picture of the friends in your class”, “help with the dishes”, “find 5 things that are red”, etc.).
- Monthly Self Portrait Journals to capture students’ drawings and writing throughout the school year. They’re a wonderful addition to student portfolios or memory books.
- Our roll and color math games series full of differentiated math activities for seasonal events and holidays throughout the whole year.
We also offer a variety of tools to help support you along the way and make sure you get the most out of your membership…
- The ongoing private Facebook group is a place where you can post questions, share ideas, and connect with other preschool teachers who are using our curriculum. It’s also a place where we’ll be able to provide you with thorough responses to your teaching questions.
- Monthly member emails include the full details on all new resources each month and popular seasonal plans…so you never miss a thing!
Join Today: Select a Plan Below
Membership Payments
New & Featured: $14 recurring payment every month at the beginning of enrollment period
Quarterly: $72 recurring payment every three months at the beginning of enrollment period
Annual: $228 recurring payment once every year at the beginning of enrollment period

Not sure which membership level is right for you?
We absolutely recommend becoming an annual member if you are able. Why?
- You get access to everything right away. You do not have to wait for the next season’s lesson plans to open.
- You save money in the long run.
- To put it in perspective, annual members immediately get access to well over $1,000 in ready-to-go resources. By joining as an annual member you are saving almost $750. That’s a 75% savings!
- And that doesn’t even include any new products we add in the coming year, the immeasurable value of ongoing support and trainings available to members, and the exclusive member only content that is added regularly to the member area.
NEW! What if I’m interested but I can’t afford the Quarterly or Annual option right now?
We’ve just added a new membership level, New and Featured.
If you select this membership option, you’ll have access to the new and featured content area each month. This includes:
- New membership content added each month (typically at least three new or updated resources per month)
- Four featured resources from our existing product catalog (voted on monthly by members)
Each month there will be a minimum of at least $30 worth of resources waiting for you in the New & Featured content area, but you’ll only pay $14 per month for access.
If at any point, you’d like access to more resources you may upgrade to our Quarterly or Annual option.
This membership level is great for:
- teachers on a limited budget
- teachers who have been purchasing our resources for years and just want to keep up with new content
- teachers who are new to our resources and want to try a few things before committing to a higher membership level
Join Today: Select a Plan Below
*Pricing is based on single classroom use.